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Daniel Durall
Associate Professor Emeritus
Phone: 250.807.8759Email: daniel.durall@ubc.ca
Graduate student supervisor

Research Summary
Fungi in forest and wine systems; determining the structure of fungal networks connecting trees and the strains of yeast responsible for fermentation.
Courses & Teaching
Microbiology; mycology; botany; ecology.
Dan completed his Ph.D. in Terrestrial Ecology at the University of Calgary. He has had post-doctoral research positions at the University of Calgary, USDA Forest Service in Riverside, California, Oregon State University, and at the University of Oxford in England. He has been a Biology professor and Research Associate at Okanagan University College/UBC Okanagan since 1990. His teaching and research interests are in forest mycorrhizal ecology. His specific research interests are concerned with the role of mycorrhizal fungi in carbon and nutrient cycling as well as the effect of forest practices on mycorrhizal fungal populations and communities.
In the past 17 years, Dan’s research program has been funded by RFBC, BC Science Council, BC Ministry of Forests, Canadian Forest Service, NSERC, CFI, UBC Internal Research Grants Program and the Forest Science Program. Dan presently supervises four graduate students, 2 technicians, and 2 undergraduate thesis/directed studies students. Dan recently headed a 2.2 million CFI/BCKDF/UBCO grant for the Centre for Species at Risk and Habitat Studies (SARAHS) of which he is presently director. In addition to his research interests, he manages the Fragment Analysis and DNA Sequencing Services (FADSS) at UBC Okanagan, teaches microbiology related courses and oversees the new Microbiology degree at UBC Okanagan.
The Durall Wine Microbiology Laboratory
PhD The University of Calgary, 1984
BSc California Polytechnic State University, 1978
Research Interests & Projects
The Durall Laboratory focuses on wine microbiology, working closely with local wineries to ask and answer questions that will shape the wines of tomorrow
Selected Publications & Presentations
Professional Services/Affiliations/Committees
- Centre for Species at Risk and Habitat Studies (SARAHS)
- Fragment Analysis and DNA Sequencing Services (FADSS)